1. what is the grading and the meaning of who ever speaks Arabic, is and Arab.
I looked for it before posting but couldn't find it.
2. is it confirmed that `Umar { ra} was from the tribe of Aslam, an Tribe of Abbysinian origin?
No, he was Qurayshi from both his father's [al-Khattab ibn Bufayl ibn `Abd al-`Uzza ibn Riyah [or `Abd Allah] ibn Qurt ibn Razah ibn Uday ibn Ka`b ibn Lu'ay al-Qurashi al-`Adawi] and his mother's side [the sister of Abu Jahl, Hantama al-Makhzumiyya bint Hisham or Dhi al-Ramhayn ibn al-Mughira ibn `Abd Allah ibn `Umar ibn Makhzum].
3. i remember in the Shifa of Qaadhi Iyadh that Muhammad { saw} was sent to the red and the black and the commentary of this is that the Arabs were counted among the black. Can you comment on this?
The hadith is authentic and narrated from Jabir, Ibn `Abbas, Abu Musa, and Abu Dharr by Muslim, Ahmad, al-Darimi, al-Bazzar, Ibn Hibban and others.
`Iyad mentioned it in al-Shifa' (2000 ed. p. 218 #401) then explained: "It was said that the black are the Arabs because swarthiness is their dominant complexion so they are among the black while the red are the `Ajam (non-Arabs). And it was said that [it means] the white (al-beed) and the black among the nations. And it was said that the red are human beings while the black are the jinn."
If some of this is established as stated above, does this put the Africans and the Arabs { not dis-cluding others races, because of the first question} in even a stronger connection, rather than what the Orientalists tries to teach us?
The Arabs did not know racialism (race theories) and to them, probably tribe and clan were the dividing factor in defining ethnicity, which was then abolished by Islam. However, the term for slave (`abd) definitely denotes a black man in Arabic, which caused and continues to cause friction althouth it runs counter to the objectives of the Law. There are also some forged narrations attempting to inject racist notions into Islam.
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