Is it authentic that Qiyamah will take place on a Friday 10 th of Muharram?
Allahu a`lam. But consider the following Companion-report from one of those promised Paradise:Bishr ibn Shaghaf al-Dabbi said: "We were sitting with `Abd Allah ibn Salam (ra) on the day of Jumu`a when he said: 'The greatest of the days of this world is the day of Jumu`a. On that day was Adam created and on that day shall the Last Hour rise. And in truth, the noblest and most honorable of all the creatures of Allah in the sight of Allah is Abu al-Qasim - blessings and peaceupon him.' I said: 'Allah have mercy on you! Then what about the angels?' He looked at me and laughed, saying: 'Son of my brother! Do you know what the angels are? The angels are only one creation among many others, just as the creation of the earth, the creation of the heaven, the creation of the clouds, the creation of the mountains, the creation of the winds, and the reast of creatures. AND IN TRUTH, THE NOBLEST AND MOST HONORABLE OF ALL THE CREATURES OF ALLAH IN THE SIGHT OF ALLAH IS ABU AL-QASIM
Narrated by al-Bayhaqi in Dala'il al-Nubuwwa (5:485).
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